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Information on funding for arts and culture projects related to environmental sustainability

A new edition of the Green Art Lab Alliance (GALA) Funding and Resources Guide was published in early March 2021. This is the updated edition of a guide first produced in 2015 as part of the EU-funded project Green Art Lab Alliance (GALA).

You can download the new guide here (PDF)

Gala Funding and Resources Guide

(Graphic, Layout & Text editing: David Franklin / Translation into French: Lara Bourdin)

Green Art Lab Alliance Workshop in 2014

Already in 2014, the IGBK and the International Theatre Institute (ITI) Center Germany were partners for the workshop hosted in Berlin in advance of a first edition of this guide.

Focus: Funding projects and source of inspiration for sustainable action

The guide is articulated around two main parts: a first one around funding for arts and culture projects related to environmental sustainability (support schemes, transnational supports, European projects, residencies, festivals etc.) and a second one on sources of inspiration for more responsible action. The focus is mostly on Europe with some international references and initiatives.

This guide has been coordinated by On the Move and is based on research and updates carried out by Marta Gracia between September and December 2020. The second edition of the guide has been supported by the French Ministry of Culture and the Institut français. Contents support has been provided by the GALA network as well as by some On the Move’s members and partners.

On The Move is happy to receive feedback

As for any guide co-produced by On the Move, the guide is by no means exhaustive. On The Move is very open to suggestions, feedback and partnerships' requests for the future edition. (contact: mobility(at)